Madagascar: Ginger cultivation for vulnerable farmers

Promoting ginger cultivation for smallholder farmers to generate additional revenues through training in good agricultural practices.


South-east Madagascar is subject to a harsh climate with recurring droughts and occasional hurricanes. The inhabitants mostly live from small scale agriculture centred on rice production that is dedicated primarily to self-consumption with only part of the crop being sold. The crops are subject to the weather conditions and as a consequence incomes are modest and irregular, causing a high prevalence of malnutrition and hunger affecting both children and adults.

Good agricultural practices training

Additional crops are sometimes cultivated in order to increase family income. To this end, a project was developed in partnership with WHH (Welt Hunger Hilfe), a German non-governmental organisation specialised in rural economic development.

The objective is to introduce and develop ginger roots cultivation as a source of additional revenue. Technical assistance is provided to improve capacities and capabilities of raw material producers who are trained in good agricultural practices. The producing community can then sell the ginger roots produced for use in flavours and fragrances. An environmental aspect is included in the approach to reduce the impact of essential oil production on the surrounding areas.

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