Madagascar: Environmental education for children in black pepper and ginger producing communities

Black pepper and ginger are important natural ingredients for the fragrance industry. The communities growing it in the southeast of Madagascar suffer from challenging climatic conditions and the impacts of environmental degradation. Conserving and regenerating natural ecosystems is of vital importance in this region.

Madagascar environmental education

We therefore support the local population in accessing knowledge about environmental cycles and their impact on human wellbeing. We are partnering with a specialized organisation to introduce environmental education in the regular curriculum of primary schools attended by children from farmer households in the Atsimo-Atsinanana region. Teachers are trained and accompanied in delivering environmental lessons. Subjects range from what a forest is to the risks of deforestation, the value of biodiversity, factors affecting the water cycle, and the benefits of environmental protection measures. The schoolchildren visited national parks to get a first-hand experience of intact ecosystems. In addition, their parents will also be involved through events to increase awareness around natural resources preservation.


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Find out more about our natural resource preservation projects in communities where Givaudan sources natural ingredients: